How to Find the Best Truck Accident Lawyer
Sharing the highway with semi-trucks can be unnerving even in the best of conditions. Unfortunately, due the pressures that over-the-road truckers are under to meet tight deadlines, they often make poor choices when driving. Many times they don’t get the legally required amount of sleep, and truck drivers are tempted like everyone else when it comes to distracted driving.If you’re in an accident with a semi-truck, it’s important to know how to protect your rights both at the accident scene and after the accident. You should make sure that you get the best truck accident lawyer you can to represent you as you seek recovery for your injuries and suffering.
Protect Your Rights at the Scene
Even the very best truck accident lawyer won’t be able to help you if you don’t protect your rights at the accident scene. Here are some important steps to take after an accident with a semi.
- Be careful what you say. Unfortunately, at the scene of an accident, everything you say can be used against you in court. Even something as simple as “It’s OK,” or “It’s no big deal,” can be seen as an admission that you aren’t injured, or don’t deserve compensation for mental distress and suffering.
- Insist on a police report. In an accident with a semi-truck, it’s important to call the police and wait until they arrive to assess the scene. They will file an official report that will be very important. Don’t let the truck driver talk you into simply accepting a phone number or a handshake that he or she will be in touch.
- Get medical treatment. You should always go to a hospital after an accident with a semi-truck. This is important for two reasons; first, you may be in shock and not realize that you are injured and need treatment. Secondly, being thoroughly checked out for injury helps protect your rights for financial recovery when you and your truck accident lawyer are in court.
Choose the Best Truck Accident Lawyer
After the accident, you’ll want to make sure you choose the best truck accident lawyer to represent you and make sure that you get the fairest recovery possible. The truck company has lawyers protecting them, so why shouldn’t you? Despite what they may say, insurance representatives are not on your side. They are paid by the insurance company and will take the settlement that’s best and easiest for them. Here are some steps to choosing the best truck accident lawyer.
- Find a truck accident lawyer with experience. Someone with experience handling the specifics of semi-truck accidents will do the best job of representing you in a case. Semi-trucks are generally owned by large corporations and dealing with the settlement from a semi-truck accident is different than a normal vehicle accident.
- Find a reputable truck accident lawyer. This is not the time to call the 800 number you see on a television advertisement. You want to carefully research the lawyer you choose, talk to previous clients, and make sure the lawyer is highly recommended.
- Find a truck accident lawyer who will fight for you. Not all lawyers are in a financial position to hire experts, take depositions, and invest in your case. Choose one that is. Also, choose one who is a good communicator and has a passion to fight for you to get the settlement you deserve. Cases against trucking corporations can take some time, and you want someone who will keep going for the long haul.
If you’ve been in an accident with a semi-truck, you’ve had a very scary experience. It’s important to protect your rights both at the scene and afterward. By choosing the very best truck accident lawyer, you’ll be in a much better position to get the settlement you deserve.
For more information or to set up a consultation for your injury case, call me at 602-212-0202 today!