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Arizona’s Statutes of Limitations

Arizona’s Statutes of Limitations


Arizona’s Statutes of LimitationsArizona has its own set of special laws, created by the state legislature. These laws can differ from federal laws and also from the laws of other states. If you are involved in any current or potential legal action in Arizona, you should become more familiar with the following statutes. It is always best to consult a qualified attorney to make sure you are protected to the full extent of the law.

List of the Arizona’s Statutes of Limitations

Here is a list of the statutes as they apply to certain legal causes of action, including their time limitations and links to their place in the state of Arizona’s official legislative website (www.azleg.gov):

Legal Cause of ActionTime LimitationStatute (Arizona Revised Statute)
Breach of Contract (Oral)Three years Section 12-543(1)
Breach of Contract, Written (Executed within Arizona)
Three years Section 12-548
Breach of Contract for Sale (Under UCC)
Four years Section12-544(4) / Section 47-2725(A)
Breach of Employment Contract (Oral or Written)
One year Section 12-541(3)
Breach of Fiduciary Duty Two years Section 12-542
Claim Against County Six months (after last item in claim accrues)
Section 11-622(C)
Claim Against a Public Utility or Public EmployeeOne year (Must file the claim with the public utility or public employee within 180 days)
Section 12-821 / Section 12-821.01(A)
Construction Defects Eight years or nine years Section 12-552(A) and (B)
Consumer Fraud One year Section 12-541(5)
ConversionTwo years Section 12-542(5)
Credit Card Debt Six years Section 12-548(A)(2)
Damages on Bond to Convey Real Property
Four years Section 12-544(1)
Forcible Entry and Detainer Two years Section 12-542(6)
Foreclosure Six years Section 33-816 / Section 12-548
Foreign Judgments Four years Section 12-544(3)
Fraud/Mistake Three years Section 12-543(3)
Libel/Slander One year Section 12-541(1)
Mechanics and Materialmens LiensOne hundred twenty days, sixty days, or six months
Section33-993(A) / Section 33-998(A)
Negligence Two years Section 12-542
Negligent Misrepresentation Two years Section 12-542
Property Damage Two years Section 12-542
Racketeering Three years to ten years Section 13-2314.04(F)
Real Property Claims by Right of PossessionTwo years Section 12-522
Recovery of Real Property
in Adverse Possession and Use by Possessor
Ten years Section 12-526(A)
Recovery of Real Property
in Adverse Possession and Use under Duly Recorded Deed with Possessor Paying Taxes
Ten years Section 12-526(A)
Recovery of Real Property in Adverse Possession under Title or Color of Title
Three years Section 12-523(A)
Right to Salary (Officer or
Former Officer of Arizona)
Three years Section 38-602(A)
Securities Registration
One year Section 44-2004(A)
Securities Fraud Two years Section 44-2004(B)
Settlement of Partnership
Four years Section 12-544(2)
Specific Performance of a
Contract to Convey
Real Property
Four years Section 12-546
Stated or Open AccountsThree years Section 12-543(2)
Trespassing or Property
Two years Section 12-542(3)
Wrongful Interference with Contract
Two years Section 12-541(4)
Wrongful TerminationOne year Section 12-541(4)
General Limitation (for actions other than for recovery of real property) Four years Section 12-550

Arizona statutes of limitations are used to enforce laws and protect the state’s citizens from unreasonable prosecution or penalty. Make sure you are protected by understanding the statutes that may apply to your situation. Better yet, contact a lawyer today to assist you with protecting yourself to the fullest.